CastScapes by CastScapes, LLC
Quality scale model buildings and terrain from the near now to the far future . . .

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 Main Page

CastScapes, LLC was officially dissolved on June 30, 2009.


Welcome to CastScapes by CastScapes, LLC. We are a diverse group of gamers that have come together to turn a hobby into a business. You can read about us and our company by following the About link.

News and Announcements

CastScapes, LLC - Olive Street Branch : 2009-06-30 0800 EDT

The banner says it all. We've closed our stores and have made good on the last of our orders.

This is an excerpt of the letter I sent to our former Members:

I have many interesting memories from CastScapes, but a few really stand out:

  • Rushing to make the prototypes, so we could take some pictures, so we could make the flyers, so we could send them to GenCon 2002.
  • Tearing my hair out (much longer at the time) working on taxes for 2002 in 2003.
  • Sending out that first fully assembled RDS Building - going from idea, to plan, to mold, to part, to finished model was all us. And without us, it never would have been.
  • Talking with everyone while we worked on the big order for GenCon 2004.
  • Watching our jury-rigged vibration table try to tear apart the workbench.

For me, trying to run a life, have a primary job, and run a separate business meant that I didn't spend as much time as was needed doing the latter. I was totally unprepared for the immense amount of work and learning needed to startup and run even a tiny business like CastScapes in today's modern world.


What's New on the Website

2009-06-30 0800 EDT : Site Update
We are starting to disassemble the website, clearing information, etc. As the last one here, I'm still answering email. If you have any questions, please let me know via the Contact form.